• 頭部跨國芯片企業(yè)級(jí)UPS項(xiàng)目
Head transnational chip enterprise UPS project
• 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):DYL12.8V50AH
Product model: DYL12.8V50AH
• 項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:125000套/年;
Project scale: 125000 sets/year;
• 項(xiàng)目時(shí)間:2018年--- 今;
Project time: 2018 -- now
• 項(xiàng)目意義:國內(nèi)首次實(shí)現(xiàn)UPS領(lǐng)域系統(tǒng)6.5C放電,單體8C放電的的突破,開辟UPS領(lǐng)域短時(shí)瞬間大倍率放電的先河。
Significance of the project: It is the first time in China to achieve a breakthrough of 6.5C discharge in UPS field and 8C discharge in single unit, which is the first of its kind in UPS field.
